Best rate guarantee
Best rate guarantee
Lapland Hotels offers its customers a best rate guarantee, so it is always worth booking directly through our website. In the unlikely event that you happen to find a better rate on another site at the time of booking than on our website, we will offer the accommodation at the same rate. This way, you can be sure that you always get the best rate directly from us.
Additionally, by booking directly through our website, you will have access to the Lapland Hotels Club membership benefits. If you are not yet a member, you can join here.
What should I do if I find a better rate?
If you find a better rate on another site than what we offer on our website, take a screenshot and save the details. Then, make a booking on the laplandhotels.com website, even if the rate is higher. After that, notify us of the lower rate within 24 hours and at least 24 hours before arrival, and we will offer you the accommodation at the same rate.
Notify us on a lower rate
Report the lower rate you found to bestrate@laplandhotels.com.
We must be able to verify the better rate on the website you mention.
Please provide the following information:
Lapland Hotels booking reference number
First and last name
Check-in and check-out dates
Where did you find the better rate? Provide the date, time, and URL of the public website where we can verify the better rate. Also, attach an image or screenshot showing the lower rate.
Terms for the best rate guarantee
Best rate guarantee applies when:
The better rate found must have the same room type, the same number of rooms, and the same number of guests.
The better rate found must have the same check-in and check-out dates.
The better rate found must have the same currency and tax rate.
The better rate found must have the same terms and conditions as laplandhotels.com.
A booking corresponding to the better rate found must have been made at laplandhotels.com before reporting it.
Best rate guarantee does not apply to:
Campaign rates or rates that are not publicly available, such as corporate and travel agency contract rates, group and meeting rates, or loyalty discounts from booking channels
Booking requests made through sites and apps where confirmation is received with a delay