Lapland Hotels Bears Lodge RavintolaLapland Hotels Bears Lodge Ravintola

Lapland Hotels Bear´s Lodge ravintolat

Cozy restaurants

In the cozy log restaurant of Lapland Hotels Bear's Lodge, flavors of the North are served from breakfast to dinner. There is also a reservation-based restaurant on the second floor, where you can admire the beautiful view of nature through a large window.

Breakfast of northern flavors

Our breakfast, based on authentic northern flavors and ingredients, is in the hotel restaurant. From the breakfast buffet, you can find northern fish, leipäjuusto (Finnish squeaky cheese), and the beloved Hurmos porridge from Lapland Hotels. The breakfast includes all the elements that kickstart a good day, showcasing Lapland hospitality and a rich selection of northern flavors for a relaxed atmosphere.

Breakfast opening hours (1.12.2024–23.3.2025)

  • Mon-Sun 7.30–10

Lapland Hotels Bears Lodge Ravintola

Two restaurants

Next to the hotel reception, you'll find a log restaurant that serves buffet meals from breakfast to dinner, with a capacity of 110 people.

The reservation-based restaurant on the second floor can accommodate events for up to 70 guests.